Gurgaon Best Tutoring Platform

For Home & Online Tuitions!

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(CBSE, IB, ICSE, IGCSE for all subjects )

Class 11-12

(Medical, Non-Medical & Commerce)

Competative Exams


Other Exams

(Government Exams , SSC, CDS, NDA etc.)

Why Choose Neeraj Tutorials?

India's Largest Tutor Community

India's Largest Tutor Community

Select from 35000+ qualified tutors from across India.

Online & Offline Tuitions

Online & Offline Tuitions

Choose your learning mode.

Tutor Replacement

Tutor Replacement

Free and instant tutor replacement in case of dissatisfaction.

100% Customized Classes

100% Customized Classes

Customize your classes as per your learning need, schedule and budget.

YOU Are The Focus

YOU are the focus

Focus on your concepts, weak topics, and and problem solving .

Dedicated Tutors

Dedicated Tutors

1-on-1 personalized Classes for YOU.

Class Management

Class Management

Personal Q-Board to to manage your classes from one place.

Tutor all learning

Tutor all learning needs

One stop platform for lifetime educational requirement.

Learn With Neeraj Tutorials!

One-on-One Classes

Doubt Clearing

Problem Solving

Exam Preparation

Syllabus Completion

Easy Class Access


Vishal Student

Thanks to the Brilliant home Tuition provided, I was able to score 83% in 10th. This was way above what I scored usually……my parents were extremely happy.

Arti Student

I used to struggle with maths. After getting training from Neeraj Tutorials, I am doing very well in math.

Shushma Parents

I was looking for extra Science Training for my Daughter. Neeraj Tutorials was one stop center where we received outstanding Science Training.

Durgesh Parents

Great website! We found a caring and humble tutor for our daughter. She likes studying with the tutor.

Arun Student

After posting my learning requirement, I got a good tutor within a day. Excellent Service

Kundan Student

The guidance I get here helps me a lot. Sir is always there to help me clear my doubts. Studying here I have observed a steady rise in my grades.